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Frequently asked questions

What payment methods are accepted on your ecommerce site?

We accept a variety of payment methods including credit cards, debit cards, PayPal, Google Pay, and other digital wallet options.

Do you store my payment information?

No, we do not store your payment information. It is encrypted and processed securely by our payment gateway partners.

Can I cancel or change my payment method after I've placed my order?

No, once your order has been placed, you cannot change the payment method. However, you may be able to cancel your order and place a new one with the correct payment method.

Is it safe to enter my credit/debit card information on your site?

Yes, our site uses SSL encryption to protect your credit card information and keep it secure.

What happens if my payment is declined?

If your payment is declined, please contact your bank to resolve the issue. You can also try using a different payment method.

How long does it take for my payment to be processed?

Payment processing times may vary depending on the payment method you choose. Credit card payments are usually processed immediately, while other payment methods may take a few minutes to several days.

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